I am so excited about the release of P90X3! P90X was my very first Beachbody workout that started me down my path of discovering what a healthier "ME" looked and felt like. So, of course, this will be on my Christmas list this year!
You might be thinking..."I haven't done P90X or P90X2, why would I want to do X3?" Let me tell you why!! X3 is NOT a continuation of the series. This workout is a series of workouts that are only 30 minutes each. It is a complete, total body workout for the time crunched individual. It will come with the nutrition guide to give you the complete balance of nutrition and the workout to give you the best possible results.
Ab Challenge Exercises
Leg raises
Flutter kicks
Leg raises
Flutter kicks
Free Coaching
Q: How do I make you my coach?
A: If you don’t have a coach yet, just click on this link! FREE COACHING
You will be asked to fill out a short form. Once you do, I will immediately become your coach!
Q: How do you benefit from being my coach?
A: The way I benefit from being your coach is that I earn a commission off of any Beachbody products that you would purchase, whether it be a program, supplement, or equipment. It helps compensate me for the time I spend helping you out and answering your questions! You can purchase all Beachbody products from this site. Here is the link: MY STORE Thanks!
Q: I already have a coach, but would like to be coached by you. Can I switch coaches?
A: Yes, you can make the coach switch, and here is how to do so: you simply have to send a one line email to customerservice@teambeachbody.com telling them that you want ELAINE KATKO (Coach ID 41492) to be your coach. Make sure to include your FULL NAME and email address on the email.
Q: Why should I make you my coach?
A: As your coach, I will be here to help motivate and support you through your own fitness journey! I have been working out for many, many years and have done almost all the Beachbdody workout programs and can help you get started. I also have alot of experience with transitioning to a healthy nutrition plan and can help you with that as well.
A: If you don’t have a coach yet, just click on this link! FREE COACHING
You will be asked to fill out a short form. Once you do, I will immediately become your coach!
Q: How do you benefit from being my coach?
A: The way I benefit from being your coach is that I earn a commission off of any Beachbody products that you would purchase, whether it be a program, supplement, or equipment. It helps compensate me for the time I spend helping you out and answering your questions! You can purchase all Beachbody products from this site. Here is the link: MY STORE Thanks!
Q: I already have a coach, but would like to be coached by you. Can I switch coaches?
A: Yes, you can make the coach switch, and here is how to do so: you simply have to send a one line email to customerservice@teambeachbody.com telling them that you want ELAINE KATKO (Coach ID 41492) to be your coach. Make sure to include your FULL NAME and email address on the email.
Q: Why should I make you my coach?
A: As your coach, I will be here to help motivate and support you through your own fitness journey! I have been working out for many, many years and have done almost all the Beachbdody workout programs and can help you get started. I also have alot of experience with transitioning to a healthy nutrition plan and can help you with that as well.
Why Become a Beachbody Coach
Want to save 25% on all Beachbody workout programs (P90X, Insanity, TurboFire, etc), supplements and Shakeology? Do you already suggest Beachbody workouts to your friends and family? Do you want to make extra money? Then you should watch this video. I've been a coach for over two years and LOVE IT! AND I'm paying my mortgage with my paychecks!!!!
Team Beachbody
SIGN UP HERE: http://tinyurl.com/coachsignuplink
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Beachbody coach?
-As a Beachbody coach, you help motivate and guide others as you move towards your own fitness goals.
-As a Beachbody coach, you provide guidance with meal plans and help customers make the best use out of Beachbody's many online resources and tools.
-As a Beachbody coach, you help your customers troubleshoot issues and support them in their endeavor to meet their health and fitness goals.
You do not have to be a certified personal trainer, a nutritionist, or a medical expert. You only have to have the desire to help yourself and others get fit!
How much does it cost to be a Beachbody coach?
There is a $39.95 start up fee. After the first month, there is a monthly $15.95 service fee. This service fee gives you access to Coach Relations Services, including a personalized website, email account, and online office tools to manage your growing business. Everything is set up for you. You don't have to know how to set up a website from scratch, you just add your picture and contact information and it's ready to go from day one.
Here are my coach websites:
Click Here for My Beachbody Coach Website
Click Here for My Shakeology Website
Your friends, family and contacts can purchase products directly from you.
What are some of the benefits of becoming a coach?
-You have the opportunity to make a difference by helping others lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle.
-Coaching Karma: Helping others helps you become more accountable with your own fitness.
-You receive 25% off all products.
-You get your own personalized online website/store.
-You are not responsible for shipping or inventory.
-You have unlimited income potential.
-You are a personal business owner.
Do I have to be a club member to be a Beachbody coach?
No. You do not have to be a club member to be a Beachbody coach, however you are able to better help your customers with navigating the club area. You can also use the many tools and resources (trainer tips, caloric needs calculator, meal plans, shopping lists) to help your clients achieve better results.
If I become a Beachbody coach, am I still eligible for the daily WOWY prizes? YES! Coaches are also eligible to win the daily, monthly and annual prizes!! How cool is that?! Not only can you grow your business potential as a coach, but you are also eligible to win prizes with the rest of the wonderful Team Beachbody community!!
Remember: 1. With the 25% coaches discount, your savings on products more than make up for the $15.95 monthly fee. For example, if you purchase vitamins (Activit, Omega 3, Calcium), supplements (P90X Recovery and Results Formula or whey protein) and/or use Shakeology, the discount on that more than makes up for the $15.95.
2. You really DO change lives. It is so rewarding to help people help themselves. Sometimes you have to believe in them before they believe in themselves, but once they see results--it is fantastic!
3. Nothing will do more for your own motivation than becoming a coach. When you put yourself in the position of being a role model, you WANT to be that person. It is another great way to hold yourself accountable.
Even if you are just starting your fitness journey, you will see yourself as being healthier because you are a fitness coach. Other people will notice that you are putting in an effort and making a lifestyle change. Whether you have lost 5 pounds or 105 pounds, friends and family will look at the effort you are making at becoming a healthy role model and respect you for that.
A mistake some people make is that they think "I can't be a coach because I haven't lost much weight yet." Many people will relate to you just the way you are. Most people struggle to push play and eat healthfully. People will look up to you precisely because you are in the same shoes that they are, but you are taking control and doing something about it.
Because you have chosen to become a coach, your own fitness results will become better than you've ever seen before!! People don't often write about this benefit of coaching, but we guarantee, it is real!
Common Concerns
I am not at my ideal weight or fitness level yet. You don’t have to be at your ideal weight or fitness level. It could even be better that you are going through the process. First, it will help hold you accountable! Secondly, as you go through your transformation, people will begin to take notice and ask you about what you are doing to lose weight and get in shape. This presents a perfect opportunity for you to share about Beachbody products and/or the coaching opportunity.
One coach wrote: "I used to think that way, too. In fact I was about 20 pounds over my ideal weight when I started with Beachbody. What I discovered is that people could see the bigger picture when I explained to them that I am committed to getting in the best shape of my life, and that I am part of a large community of like-minded individuals who are all going through the same thing."
Is this one of those pyramid things? This is one of the most common concerns. Beachbody is a well-established infomercial company that has been around for 10 years. In 2006, it earned $139 million dollars in revenue and in 2008, that number more than doubled to $300 million. These figures are only projected to grow. Entrepreneur Magazine rated Beachbody the 69th fastest growing business in America for 2007. Moreover, Beachbody spends over $90 MILLION dollars in advertising each year, which currently generates about 50,000 PAYING customers each WEEK! That's 3 million transactions annually. This is great news for coaches. Beachbody started the new Team Beachbody network marketing division because they wanted their customers to get a free Coach to help them with their health and fitness goals – and they give these paying customers to us! So, just like the other almost 30,000 coaches who are part of Team Beachbody, I am sure you can see that this is a legitimate home-based business that you can be proud to be associated with.
I don’t like to sell. Most of us feel the same way! We don't like to sell and the good news is that we don't sell! Being a coach is about sharing information with others, in regard to both the fitness & nutrition products and the business opportunity. If you notice, the person who invited you to visit this website simply provided you with a link to the information on this site. You are the one who will decide if this business opportunity is right for you or not. We will not push or try to sell you on this business.
Talking to people about what Beachbody has to offer is kind of like going to a movie or a restaurant, and then sharing the good or bad information regarding your experience with your family and friends. Do you feel like you are SELLING your family or friends when you tell them you had a great meal at a restaurant or saw a really good movie? Of course not! It’s the same way with this business. You are just sharing some information with others about what Beachbody has done for you; it's up to them to decide what to do with that information.
Our town is too small for me to succeed. Ten or fifteen years ago that could have been a problem however, with the advent of the Internet you have the whole world at your fingertips. Plus, network-marketing experts have noted that the typical person knows over 1,000 people. Most people have friends, acquaintances, and relatives all over the country. Plus, when you join with our team we will teach you how to do different types of marketing to generate your own leads. As a Beachbody coach, you may be in business for yourself, but you are not in business by yourself. You will be part of a team who will help you reach your fitness and financial goals.
I don’t have the time to do this. You can start in as little as 5 - 10 hours a week, and the great thing about network marketing is that you are leveraging other people's time. How much time do you spend watching TV or doing other activities? We can show you how to use time-management skills, and you’ll discover that you actually do have time for this.
I can’t afford to join right now. There is no risk in checking things out for the first 30 days. If you put in a little effort you could have your start-up costs paid for before your 30 days are up and maybe even make some money. In truth, you can't afford NOT to join. We are still on the ground floor of this business. We understand that it can be tough for some people to come up with $100 to get started as an Independent Beachbody coach. Many of our coaches realized that they were able to find ways to cut back on expenses such as movies, eating out, cable, and other things for a couple months until they started making some money. Cutting back on these expenses now could open the door to a secure financial future.
How much do Beachbody coaches typically earn? Here is the 2012 Coach Earning Charts, directly from Beachbody: 2012 Beachbody Coach Earnings
Other concerns? Contact me! I will be happy to arrange a phone call with you to personally discuss the opportunities!
Ready to sign up? You won't regret it. CLICK HERE for New Coach Sign-up
Team Beachbody
SIGN UP HERE: http://tinyurl.com/coachsignuplink
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Beachbody coach?
-As a Beachbody coach, you help motivate and guide others as you move towards your own fitness goals.
-As a Beachbody coach, you provide guidance with meal plans and help customers make the best use out of Beachbody's many online resources and tools.
-As a Beachbody coach, you help your customers troubleshoot issues and support them in their endeavor to meet their health and fitness goals.
You do not have to be a certified personal trainer, a nutritionist, or a medical expert. You only have to have the desire to help yourself and others get fit!
How much does it cost to be a Beachbody coach?
There is a $39.95 start up fee. After the first month, there is a monthly $15.95 service fee. This service fee gives you access to Coach Relations Services, including a personalized website, email account, and online office tools to manage your growing business. Everything is set up for you. You don't have to know how to set up a website from scratch, you just add your picture and contact information and it's ready to go from day one.
Here are my coach websites:
Click Here for My Beachbody Coach Website
Click Here for My Shakeology Website
Your friends, family and contacts can purchase products directly from you.
What are some of the benefits of becoming a coach?
-You have the opportunity to make a difference by helping others lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle.
-Coaching Karma: Helping others helps you become more accountable with your own fitness.
-You receive 25% off all products.
-You get your own personalized online website/store.
-You are not responsible for shipping or inventory.
-You have unlimited income potential.
-You are a personal business owner.
Do I have to be a club member to be a Beachbody coach?
No. You do not have to be a club member to be a Beachbody coach, however you are able to better help your customers with navigating the club area. You can also use the many tools and resources (trainer tips, caloric needs calculator, meal plans, shopping lists) to help your clients achieve better results.
If I become a Beachbody coach, am I still eligible for the daily WOWY prizes? YES! Coaches are also eligible to win the daily, monthly and annual prizes!! How cool is that?! Not only can you grow your business potential as a coach, but you are also eligible to win prizes with the rest of the wonderful Team Beachbody community!!
Remember: 1. With the 25% coaches discount, your savings on products more than make up for the $15.95 monthly fee. For example, if you purchase vitamins (Activit, Omega 3, Calcium), supplements (P90X Recovery and Results Formula or whey protein) and/or use Shakeology, the discount on that more than makes up for the $15.95.
2. You really DO change lives. It is so rewarding to help people help themselves. Sometimes you have to believe in them before they believe in themselves, but once they see results--it is fantastic!
3. Nothing will do more for your own motivation than becoming a coach. When you put yourself in the position of being a role model, you WANT to be that person. It is another great way to hold yourself accountable.
Even if you are just starting your fitness journey, you will see yourself as being healthier because you are a fitness coach. Other people will notice that you are putting in an effort and making a lifestyle change. Whether you have lost 5 pounds or 105 pounds, friends and family will look at the effort you are making at becoming a healthy role model and respect you for that.
A mistake some people make is that they think "I can't be a coach because I haven't lost much weight yet." Many people will relate to you just the way you are. Most people struggle to push play and eat healthfully. People will look up to you precisely because you are in the same shoes that they are, but you are taking control and doing something about it.
Because you have chosen to become a coach, your own fitness results will become better than you've ever seen before!! People don't often write about this benefit of coaching, but we guarantee, it is real!
Common Concerns
I am not at my ideal weight or fitness level yet. You don’t have to be at your ideal weight or fitness level. It could even be better that you are going through the process. First, it will help hold you accountable! Secondly, as you go through your transformation, people will begin to take notice and ask you about what you are doing to lose weight and get in shape. This presents a perfect opportunity for you to share about Beachbody products and/or the coaching opportunity.
One coach wrote: "I used to think that way, too. In fact I was about 20 pounds over my ideal weight when I started with Beachbody. What I discovered is that people could see the bigger picture when I explained to them that I am committed to getting in the best shape of my life, and that I am part of a large community of like-minded individuals who are all going through the same thing."
Is this one of those pyramid things? This is one of the most common concerns. Beachbody is a well-established infomercial company that has been around for 10 years. In 2006, it earned $139 million dollars in revenue and in 2008, that number more than doubled to $300 million. These figures are only projected to grow. Entrepreneur Magazine rated Beachbody the 69th fastest growing business in America for 2007. Moreover, Beachbody spends over $90 MILLION dollars in advertising each year, which currently generates about 50,000 PAYING customers each WEEK! That's 3 million transactions annually. This is great news for coaches. Beachbody started the new Team Beachbody network marketing division because they wanted their customers to get a free Coach to help them with their health and fitness goals – and they give these paying customers to us! So, just like the other almost 30,000 coaches who are part of Team Beachbody, I am sure you can see that this is a legitimate home-based business that you can be proud to be associated with.
I don’t like to sell. Most of us feel the same way! We don't like to sell and the good news is that we don't sell! Being a coach is about sharing information with others, in regard to both the fitness & nutrition products and the business opportunity. If you notice, the person who invited you to visit this website simply provided you with a link to the information on this site. You are the one who will decide if this business opportunity is right for you or not. We will not push or try to sell you on this business.
Talking to people about what Beachbody has to offer is kind of like going to a movie or a restaurant, and then sharing the good or bad information regarding your experience with your family and friends. Do you feel like you are SELLING your family or friends when you tell them you had a great meal at a restaurant or saw a really good movie? Of course not! It’s the same way with this business. You are just sharing some information with others about what Beachbody has done for you; it's up to them to decide what to do with that information.
Our town is too small for me to succeed. Ten or fifteen years ago that could have been a problem however, with the advent of the Internet you have the whole world at your fingertips. Plus, network-marketing experts have noted that the typical person knows over 1,000 people. Most people have friends, acquaintances, and relatives all over the country. Plus, when you join with our team we will teach you how to do different types of marketing to generate your own leads. As a Beachbody coach, you may be in business for yourself, but you are not in business by yourself. You will be part of a team who will help you reach your fitness and financial goals.
I don’t have the time to do this. You can start in as little as 5 - 10 hours a week, and the great thing about network marketing is that you are leveraging other people's time. How much time do you spend watching TV or doing other activities? We can show you how to use time-management skills, and you’ll discover that you actually do have time for this.
I can’t afford to join right now. There is no risk in checking things out for the first 30 days. If you put in a little effort you could have your start-up costs paid for before your 30 days are up and maybe even make some money. In truth, you can't afford NOT to join. We are still on the ground floor of this business. We understand that it can be tough for some people to come up with $100 to get started as an Independent Beachbody coach. Many of our coaches realized that they were able to find ways to cut back on expenses such as movies, eating out, cable, and other things for a couple months until they started making some money. Cutting back on these expenses now could open the door to a secure financial future.
How much do Beachbody coaches typically earn? Here is the 2012 Coach Earning Charts, directly from Beachbody: 2012 Beachbody Coach Earnings
Other concerns? Contact me! I will be happy to arrange a phone call with you to personally discuss the opportunities!
Ready to sign up? You won't regret it. CLICK HERE for New Coach Sign-up
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