
You Don't Have Time to Work Out? Really???

I have had some fabulous results with my commitment to being fit and health since January. There isn't a day that goes by that someone at work or who I know personally says "Wow! You look great! What are you doing? I need to do what you are doing!" And I tell them "P90X and Insanity!" And more times than not, they say "Well, I don't have time for that" and that's the end of it.

Really? You don't have time? I hear this from people of all walks of life. Single, married, some have kids, some don't. Some work long shifts, some don't.

I have a full-time, Monday through Friday job and a part-time job as a Beachbody coach. I have two kids that I have to get to school every day by myself. Both are involved in after-school activities. I could easily say I don't have time too.

But when I decided to commit to P90X, pushing play 6 days as week, I meant it. I had to give up some things. I had to stop sitting on my computer playing Farmville. I had to give up some TV shows (as if my life isn't BETTER because I didn't watch the Bachelorette?) I had to pre-plan my meals. I had to shop and cook with those meals in mind.

When I decided that doing my workouts after work was taking too much time away from my kids, I changed my workout time to BEFORE work. I get up at 5am during the work week. Do I enjoy that? NO! But I'm committed to keeping up with my fitness AND my family. It's just not an option for me. I HAVE to work out. I HAVE to eat clean and healthy. That's it. And now I've stuck to it for 243 days. That's right - 243 days!!

No matter how busy your lives are, there are ways to find time to work out. You might have to make a few adjustments to your schedule or shorten your workouts, but not having enough time is not a legitimate excuse! Make exercising part of your routine!

And guess what? Not everyone has to do P90X or Insanity. There are other programs available. 10 Minute Trainer (by Tony Horton, same guy that does P90X) has given people FABULOUS results. Do you have 10 Minutes a day? It might be a good place to start to get into a routine, commit to being fit and healthy. And you never know. You might love it so much you do P90X next!

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