Are you going to do Classic, Doubles or Lean?
I usually recommend Lean for women or for those who need to start out a little less intense.
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You will be asked to fill out a short form. Once you do, I will immediately become your coach! As your coach, I will be here to help motivate and support you through your own fitness journey! I have been working out for many, many years and have done almost all the Beachbdody workout programs and can help you get started. I also have alot of experience with transitioning to a healthy nutrition plan and can help you with that as well.
If you already have a coach, but would like to be coached by me, you can switch.
You simply have to send a one line email to telling them that you want ELAINE KATKO (Coach ID 41492) to be your coach. Make sure to include your FULL NAME and email address on the email.
Don't say "I Can't". Say "I presently struggle with..."
This is Tony Horton from the interview in the new Chest, Back and Balls - P90X One on One. I thought it was great so I had to re-post it!
"P90X is a skill based program. There are supposed to be alot of exercises you can't do the first time, the second time, the third time, the forth time, the fifth time. But maybe by the 6th, 7th, or 8th time you can do one or two of them. For alot of people that can be very frustrating, and is the reason that no one has done a program like P90X before, because people who make fitness programs are afraid to deliver something that people can't do pretty well right away. That's why the plateau effect is the case for so many other programs. For P90X it's a completely different thing. There are people who start P90X and they can't do half or 3/4 of it but they GOT THE CONCEPT that IT'S a JOURNEY, it's a struggle, and over the course of time, that's how you improve. You get BETTER at your pull-ups, you get BETTER at your push-ups, your range of motion increases, and your flexibility increases."
At what point in P90x should results really start to kick in? - By Steve Edwards
There is a structure that is designed for you to see the greatest results in the latter part of the program. Essentially, each block is designed to have an adaptation phase, followed by a growth (or mastery) phase. In between we have recovery (that are more like transition phases). Because even the transition phases are hard, you body is in a constant state of adaptation throughout the beginning of the program (varies with indivudual but this is the general plan), that is designed for you to peak late in the program.
In any program you plan for a peak. X is designed to peak late. Once you've adapted to a set routine you have a short peak period where fitness gains happen very rapidly. In a perfect world, we've set this up to happen in block three. And this is where most people make the greatest improvements.
How I Follow the P90X Portion Approach Meal Plan
I keep a cheat sheet with me on my phone and just mark off each portion as I eat it throughout the day. As long as you have a food scale and measuring cups, it's SO easy and you don't really have to "count calories" - also I find it easier to count grams of protein and carbs instead of servings. Once you know your portion size and how many of each you get per day, it's so easy!
Daily log for Fat Shredder
Protein (5-125g) -
Dairy (2) -
Veggie (2) -
Fruit (1)-
Fat (1-13g) -
Carb (1-50g) -
Snack (1) -
Protein Bar (1) -
Recovery Drink (1)-
Then when you move up from "fat shredder" to "energy booster" you just decrease proteins to 4 and up carbs to 2 servings.
For example - today I have had: Recovery drink - 1 serving. Almond milk 8oz (1 dairy) and Shakeology (1 snack). 6 egg whites (1 protein),1 Apple (1 fruit), 6 oz chicken (2 proteins). Fresh spinach (1 veggie), Olive oil (1 fat) SO, I still need to eat:2 more protein servings, 1 more dairy, 1 more veggie, 1 carb, 1 protein bar.
I will have my protein bar as a snack.Then I will have dinner: 6 oz fish and some brocolli and 1/2 cup rice.I still need one more protein and a dairy so I may have a scoop of protein powder in 8oz almond milk to get that last protein and dairy.
Make sense?
Proteins - 5 servings - 100 cal each for a total of 125 grams
1oz chic/turk=8g
1oz fish=7g
1 serving = 3 oz chicken, fish, pork, beef, tuna or 6 egg whites
Dairy - 2 servings - 120 cal each
1 cup cottage cheese
8 oz milk
8 oz yogurt
1.5 oz mozz
1 oz parm
1 oz lowfat cheese
Fruit - 1 serving - 100 cal each
Apple, banana, melon, 6 oz juice, 1 cup grapes, 2 cups strawberries
Veggies - 2 servings - 50 cal each
1 cup cooked or 2 cups greens
Fat - 1 serving - 120 cal
1 tbsp oil
Carb - 1 serving - 200 cal -50g
2 slices bread, 1 cup cereal, 1 potato, 1 cup rice
Snack - 1 serving - 100 cal
Protein bar - 1 serving - P90X bar or Clif Builders
260 cal, 29 g carbs, 20 g protein
Recovery Drink - 1 serving - Results and Recovery drink or chocolate milk
220 cal, 2 g fat, 39 g carbs, 10 g protein

Why do you sometimes gain weight when starting a new exercise program? - By Chalene Johnson
Probably the most common question I get when I release a new exercise program is, "Help! I'm gaining weight! Am I doing something wrong?" This is a common phenomenon with any new exercise program, Turbo Kick, Turbo Jam, Hip Hop Hustle, you name it! It's especially common (and temporary) with intense strength training programs like ChaLEAN Extreme or Tony Horton's P90X.
As an example, during our initial test group there was nearly a mutiny due to lack of gains. This was because our small group (4 people) was in breakdown through the first two stages and weren't seeing great results. The all wanted us (me and Tony) to alter the schedule of the program. I drew a chart on a blackboard, showing them what was supposed to happen. Tony backed me up and the program stayed as designed. All of those people's results went nuts during block three and they stopped complaining.
The motivation to start a new exercise program is almost always to lose weight loss. However, what most personal trainers know and most at-home exercisers do not, is that a new exercise program often can cause an immediate (and temporary) increase on the scale. (Notice I didn't say weight gain! I'll explain.) This common increase in the scale is also the reason why perhaps millions of people start and then quickly quit their resolution to get fit.
The temporary weight gain explained:
When someone starts a new exercise program, they often experience muscle soreness. The more intense and "unfamiliar" the program, the more intense the muscle soreness. This soreness is most prevalent 24 to 48 hours after each workout. In the first few weeks of a new program, soreness is the body trying to "protect and defend" the effected or targeted tissue. Exercise physiologists refer to this as delayed-onset muscle soreness, or DOMS.
This type of soreness is thought to be caused by tissue breakdown or microscopic tears in muscle tissue. When this happens the body protects the tissue. The muscle becomes inflamed and slightly swollen with fluid retention. This temporary retention of fluid can result in a 3- to 4-pound weight gain within a few weeks of a new program. Keep in mind that muscle soreness is not necessarily a reflection of how hard you worked. In fact, some people feel no signs of muscle soreness, yet will experience the muscle protection mechanisms of water retention and slight swelling.
Most people are motivated enough to put up with this temporary muscle soreness. Yet, many, especially those who really need immediate weight loss to keep them motivated in those first couple of weeks become discouraged and quit!
When I worked with a group of 70 test participants during the development stages of ChaLEAN Extreme, this happened. Who was the most upset and discouraged? You guessed it... the women! I'm happy to report with absolutely every single woman (and man) in our group, the weight increase was temporary and never lasted more than 2 weeks before they started to see a major drop in the scale. However, these people had the advantage of working with someone who was able to explain to them why this was happening and assure them the weight would come off if they stuck to the nutrition plan and stayed true to the program.
For those of you who are following the ChaLEAN Extreme phase plan, keep in mind that when you start each phase, your body will be "in shock" again. Don't be surprised or discouraged if you experience a temporary gain on the scale the first week of each phase.
My own personal example of this is running 10K's. I don't do it very often, maybe 1 or 2x a year. Even though I run on a regular basis, when you run a race you push much harder. It's natural for me to be "insanely" sore the next day. Its also very common for me to see the scale jump 4 pounds the next day from forcing fluids post race and the resulting DOMS. Even though I know the cause of it, it's still a bummer. We're all human and hard work should mean "results". Hard work equals results, but our bodies are amazing machines and they know how to protect us from hurting our selves. Soreness forces you to give those muscles a break :) Ultimately you will lose the weight and you will change your metabolism in the process.
The key is understanding that this is a normal and temporary and stick with the program!!
When to be concerned:
If you experience a significant weight gain (exceeding 5 pounds) which does not begin to decrease rapidly after the second week, guess what it is??? I'll give you one hint... you put it in your mouth and chew it. You know it! You're food (or calorie laden beverages). Newsflash friends.. exercise doesn't make you gain weight. Consuming more food than you burn makes you gain weight!
So if after two weeks you are not losing weight, have gained weight that's not coming off, it's time to take a close and honest look at your food intake. It's time to find out what you're burning in calories each day. Have your RMR or BMR tested. This can be done for less than $50 and the information is invaluable. It takes out the guess work. Google "hydrostatic body fat testing _______ " and insert the name of the big city you're closest too. Companies that do HBFT also do BMR testing. Knowledge is king.
I'm gaining weight, but I'm sure it's muscle:
Possibly, but if you're following ChaLEAN Extreme correctly, you should be losing fat and gaining muscle and the fat loss should be much more substantial than the rate at which you can physically put on muscle. This is even true for they guys. Of the 70 plus people in my test group, every single one of them lost body fat and gained muscle and not one of them gained weight. I believe the average weight loss after 4 months was 28 pounds with many people losing 40 plus pounds. Even the men, who as you can see put on a lot of muscle, were seeing huge drops in the scale. We tested their muscle composition at the beginning and at the end and 100% of the participants maintained or gained muscle while achieving substantial weight loss. That's the key to keeping weight off long term, i.e. muscle. Muscle burns fat. But you've heard me say that before.
Moral of the story:
Be patient young grass hopper. You'll be lean and mean in no time!

A Girl's Guide to P90X by Whitney Provost
Everyone was talking the day after the Grammy® Awards about Pink's gravity-defying performance of "Glitter In the Air." She talked with Oprah Winfrey later that week about how she got into the tremendous shape that turned her into the "human sprinkler," and the secret was P90X. Kudos to Pink (and to Dreya Weber, the P90X star whom the eagle-eyed may have spotted as one of the gold-painted aerialists). Muscles are a girl's best friend. Not only do they raise your metabolism and help you burn more calories, they also keep you living strong. And they look beautiful. Well-sculpted shoulders and lean, tight legs carry clothes better and allow you to power through everyday activities with strength and stamina. How do you get a body like that? A program like P90X will do the trick.
I know this because I'm a P90X graduate. I can vouch for its muscle-sculpting, fat-blasting, and body-shrinking powers. Before I ever started working for Beachbody®, I finished two rounds of P90X and incorporated P90X Plus into my fitness routine. I still do P90X regularly, and Plyometrics is consistently in my cardio rotations.
I'm not a world-class athlete. I'm just a regular at-home fitness junkie. P90X has been helping me get the body I want—lean, tight, and strong but not bulky—and it makes me feel good.
Not sure if you're ready to tackle the X? Here are a few things to keep in mind.
1. Do your best and forget the rest. You'll hear Tony say this a lot throughout P90X, and it's important advice. All you have to do is lift as much weight as you can, and that's it. You're not in competition with anyone else. Don't worry if you can only lift 5 pounds while the women in the workouts are hoisting 15. Every time you Push Play, you'll get stronger, and before you know it, you'll be able to lift heavier than you ever have before. And don't be surprised if you find that you can do a few pull-ups at the end of 90 days.
2. Eat enough. A common mistake many active women make is undereating. With a program as intense as P90X, it's important to fill your body with enough healthy fuel to power through your workouts and help your muscles recover afterward. If you don't eat enough, your metabolism will slow down and your body will burn muscle for energy. Follow the P90X nutrition plan and take your supplements. They're designed to help you get the best results.
3. Don't be a slave to the scale. During a program like P90X, your body will go through a lot of metabolic changes. At first, your muscles may retain water as they react to the shock of the workouts and the recovery afterward. You may notice your weight going up for a short time before your muscles shed the excess water. As you continue with the program, you'll be building muscle and shedding fat, but the scale might not move downward as much as you want it to. Don't let that deter you. A pound of muscle is denser than a pound of fat, so your body may shrink even if your weight doesn't change that much. Keep in mind that muscle is a metabolism booster, so the more you have the more calories and fat you'll burn all day long.
4. You're not going to get bulky. Look at the women in the P90X workouts. They're all lean, strong, and feminine. Because women don't have enough testosterone to build massive amounts of muscle, it's nearly impossible for them to bulk up by lifting heavy weights. When women complain about feeling bulky, it's usually because they're new to a fitness program and their muscles are retaining water. If this happens to you, don't give up. Stick with your meal plan and workouts, and soon the extra bulk will go away.
5. You're going to love the way you feel. OK, maybe not when you're sore from working out, but as you get stronger and leaner, you're going to love how easy everyday tasks become, like lifting heavy objects, walking up and down stairs, or picking up children. And I can pretty much guarantee that you'll find yourself admiring your shoulders in the mirror or poking yourself in the belly to feel your tight abs. I do it all the time.
My Before and Afters - so YES, it works! |