

This is Tony Horton from the interview in the new Chest, Back and Balls - P90X One on One. I thought it was great so I had to re-post it!

"P90X is a skill based program. There are supposed to be alot of exercises you can't do the first time, the second time, the third time, the forth time, the fifth time. But maybe by the 6th, 7th, or 8th time you can do one or two of them. For alot of people that can be very frustrating, and is the reason that no one has done a program like P90X before, because people who make fitness programs are afraid to deliver something that people can't do pretty well right away. That's why the plateau effect is the case for so many other programs. For P90X it's a completely different thing. There are people who start P90X and they can't do half or 3/4 of it but they GOT THE CONCEPT that IT'S a JOURNEY, it's a struggle, and over the course of time, that's how you improve. You get BETTER at your pull-ups, you get BETTER at your push-ups, your range of motion increases, and your flexibility increases."

1 comment:

  1. So much truth... it all comes down to mind over matter... and you can only accomplish the things you believe you can accomplish! Gotta LOVE Tony!
