
Review of P90X One on One Shoulders & Arms: MC2

I'm on week 3 of my P90X/One on One V3 hybrid. Today was Shoulders and Arms from One on One. It still focuses on shoulders, biceps and triceps like the original workout, but it's done a bit differently. Instead of rotating through all three body parts, Tony breaks it down into all shoulders first, followed by biceps and triceps together. The theory is this: work each body part HARD, then follow that up with lighter weight exercises in order to "fine tune" the muscles.

For example, we start with Pike's Press with your legs elevated. I opted to just do regular Pike's Presses with my feet on the floor. That is followed by Alternating Arnold Press. After three rounds of those, then we move onto the lighter shoulder work, including 6 Direction Shoulder Fly and Posterior Rear Delt Fly. Biceps and Tricep follow a similar pattern. So you end up doing a total of 12 rounds of shoulder work and 6 rounds each of biceps and triceps.

Overall, an awesome workout and a nice change up from regular Shoulders and Arms.

And as a side note, as my 7 yo daughter was watching me work out, she said "He's got MUCH better arms than you, Mom. Like, much, MUCH better!" I said, "Of course! That's Tony Horton!!" LOL

Keep pushing play!


  1. Great story about your daughter! That's very funny :) Thanks for sharing this!

  2. Looks good and different from the last time I checked it out. Love it!

  3. P90x you are going to have to work out for about an hour per day, and clean up your eating habits, but by the end you will have more muscle, more endurance, and even better flexibility and balance.
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